
Global White Marble Market Report and Indian Marble Options

Marble is a superb construction material known for its natural beauty and the element of durability. In the long list of marble tones and hues, a white marble product simply catches all eyes. The white marble beats all other marble colors with its white backdrop and a perfect mix of lines, veins, and spots on the surface. This stone is also demanded widely for many residential and commercial construction projects. That is why the white marble market is relatively large. Let’s read the content and find out what a global report on the white marble market predicts the future of global white marble. Also, read what the Indian white granite market has for B2B buyers.

White Marble Quarries
White marble quarry in North India

The scenario of the white marble market worldwide

As per a Global White Marble Market Report by market researcher Industry Research, the marble market is estimated at USD 13 billion in 2020. The researcher also projected the global marble market would reach USD 16 billion by 2025, and it will grow at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2020 to 2025. Among all marble colors, white marble made an impact as its demand is increasing in the whole world. In recent years, the global yield of white marble continued to relatively high growth.

Owing to the fast development of the construction industry, the white marble market is up to double-digit progress. As far as the global white marble market is concerned, the researcher predicts that the market will grow at a CAGR of roughly 11.5% over the next five years. It is speculated that it will reach 21000 million USD in 2024. Last year, it achieved 12200 million USD in 2019. This projection of the report mainly concentrates on North American, European and Asia-Pacific (India and China), South American, Middle East, and African white marble market.

It is nothing but the growth of the construction industry in the Asia Pacific region and the rising demand for infrastructure development in developing economies that emerged as a driving factor for the growth of the marble market. Let’s move ahead and find out what the Indian marble market has in its bag for white marble lovers globally.

White marble option in Indian marble market

India being a great white marble hub caters to the changing B2B needs of its global clients with top-quality marble in a white tone. North India, especially Rajasthan, produces a big assortment of white marble tones and hues. With many marble quarries and stone processing units, India offers commercial, standard, and premium quality stone products at the most competitive prices.

The Global White Marble Market Report states Asia as a big hub for both marble buyers and sellers. The following is a brief list of some of the most popular white marble colors that B2B buyers like the most. The addition of these colors to any white marble category gives buyers a great chance to enhance their existing marble category.

These stone products include Alaska white, Albeta marble, Banswara white, Bruno white, Dharmeta white, Indian statuario, Makrana white, Panda white, Polar white, Rajnagar white, sky white blue marble, and white onyx marble.

Alaska White Marble
Alaska white marble with a white backdrop and frosty white, brown, and grey hues
Albeta Marble
Albeta marble from Rajasthan with a milky white surface
Banswara White Marble
Banswara white with a shiny surface that has black or purple lines
Bruno Whtite and White Onyx Marble
Bruno white marble with a white backdrop that has light to dark grey shades
Dharmeta White Marble
Dharmeta white marble with light green and grey color over its surface
Indian Statuario Marble
Indian statuario marble with a white backdrop and uneven lines of grey hues
Makrana White Marble
Makrana white marble with a pure white backdrop with no variation
Panda White Marble
Panda white marble with a crisp white backdrop and waves of black stripes
Polar White Marble
Polar white marble with a light grey background with soft grey veins
Rajnagar White Marble
Rajnagar white marble with a white-hued surface that has dark grey waves

As per the global white marble report, India is both a big buyer and supplier of white marble. It provides premium, commercial, and standard quality marble stone to global buyers in the form of tiles, cutter slabs, gangsaw slabs, vanity tops, and countertops at competitive prices.

Always buy from ISO-certified Indian marble suppliers for getting the best product at the most competitive price. 

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