J Pink Sandstone
Tiles 30x30, 40x40, 60x30-40-60 CM in various thicknesses, Big & Small Opus Pattern
Cobbles 10 x 10 x 7-9 CM & 8-10 CM, 14 x 14 x 3-5 CM, 7-9 CM & 12-14 CM, 14 x 20 x 3-5 CM & 7-9 CM, 20 x 20 x 7-9 CM, 5 x 5 x 4-6 CM, and 15 x 15 x 11-13 CM
Steps 80-100-120-150-200 x 35 x 15 CM, 100-150-200 x 30 x 15 CM
Palisades 100 x 20-25 x 7-9 CM, 25-250 x 12-25 x 9-11 CM & 11-13 CM
Kerbstone 50-100 x 20 x 7-9 CM, 100 x 25 x 12-13-15 CM, & 100-200 x 20-50 x 3-5 CM
Block Steps 50-250 x 30-40 x 13-20 CM and Others
Pool Coping 60 x 30 x 2 CM and Others
Crazy Paving 30-60 x 30-60 x 2.5-3.5 CM
Finishes Natural, Sawn, Sandblasted, Honed, Polished, Brushed, Bush Hammered, Tumbled

Jodhpur Pink or simply J. Pink is earthly-toned sandstone, which has a compact structure and even texture. Its properties like hardness, durability, and ability to withstand rough weather conditions make J Pink sandstone suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Ideal for paving, flooring, and wall cladding, this sandstone is used to create stepping stones in gardens and in other landscaping projects.

Regatta Universal Exports, a leading manufacturer and exporter of pink sandstone in India offers this sandstone in finishes like honed, polished, bush-hammered, tumbled, brushed, sandblasted, and sawn. As per the customers’ requirements, this earthly Indian sandstone is offered in various shapes, thicknesses, and sizes. We also manufacture and supply floorplates, facing bricks, wall stones, skirting stones, and cobblestones.

APPLICATION AREAS: Building stone, ornamental stone, interior, exterior, wall, floor, countertops, sinks, monuments, pool coping, sills, paving stone


  • Top surface polished and calibrated bottom with machine-cut edges
  • Top surface honed and calibrated bottom with machine-cut edges
  • Top surface brushed and calibrated bottom with machine-cut edges
  • Top surface honed + sandblasted and calibrated bottom with machine-cut edges
  • Top surface bush hammered and calibrated bottom with machine-cut edges

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