
Stone of the Month – Cloud Grey Marble

Without a doubt, Makrana white from India is one of the most popular marble stone products around the world. Like white marble, Indian also produces grey marble. In the list of marble colors, a grey-hued marble makes a real difference. When it comes to choosing a unique grey marble that catches all eyes, cloud grey marble coming from North India stuns all marble lovers. Quarried in and processed at Rajasthan in North India, this stone product comes with loads of chemical and physical properties that make it the first choice of all. Cloud grey marble a.k.a Temple gray marble has a superb surface having some interesting features and traits. The exquisite side of the stone makes it an ideal choice for the floor, wall, countertop, and vanity top. Read the content to find out why Cloud grey marble stone induces a big difference.

Cloud Grey Marble
Unique surface of cloud grey marble with a white backdrop and light grey veins

An introduction to cloud grey marble

B2B buyers rush to India to get quality, colorful marble tiles, and slabs. Being a great marble hub, India caters to the changing needs of B2B marble distributors and B2C directly or indirectly. There is a long list of marble colors that India offers to the world. But, cloud grey marble has a lustrous surface defined by a white backdrop. The veins of grey hues settled on the top of the stone justifies the beauty of the cloud grey marble. With three types of quality including standard, commercial, and premium, this marble product is a big fit for various residential and commercial construction projects. Like white hue, grey-colored marble is also popular in the international market. This durable stone product is mid-level expensive. Coming from North India, this marble product is exported to all parts of the world. Buyers can get this stone in custom sizes and a finish of their choice from Indian marble suppliers.

Miens of cloud grey marble

Cloud grey marble simply looks superb with its light grey veins settled on the surface of the stone. Go through the following features to understand the appearance of the stone product. These include:

• Primary color – Grey
• Stone type – Metamorphic rock
• Variation – Low
• Surface description – A white backdrop and light grey veins
• Additional names – Temple Gray Marble, Storm Cloud Grey Marble, Cloudy Grey Marble, Grey Cloud Marble, or Green Cream Marble
• Surface finishes – Polished, brushed, bush-hammered, lepatora, honed, antique, and leather
• Surface edge – Machine-cut

Technical facets of cloud grey marble

Every marble product comes with a few features that make it ideal for different construction applications. These features are inherent and make a stone perform. These features let buyers know more about the strength, performance, longevity, and permanence of the stone product. When it comes to knowing about the technical aspects of the stone, check out the following chemical and physical properties. These include:

• Chemical properties: Alumina (2-3%); calcium oxide (1-2%); iron oxide (5-6%); magnesium oxide (34-38%), and silica (38-40%)
• Physical properties: Compressive strength (1800-2100 kg/m3); density (2.5-2.65 kg/m3); hardness (3-4 on Mohs scale); porosity (low); water absorption (<1%), and weather impact (fully resistant)

Cloud Grey marble Slab
Cloud grey marble cutter slab

Cloud grey marble location and forms

When we talk about marble, the very first name that strikes our mind is Rajasthan in India. The state of desert land is home to a big range of marble stone products. It is North India that caters to the business needs of B2B buyers. North Indian marble quarries in Rajasthan produce rough cloud grey marble stone. Moreover, there are lots of marble factories that process quality tiles and slabs as per the changing needs of B2B and B2C buyers.

• Marble origin – Rajasthan, North India
• Quarry destination – North India
• Marble processing units – North India
• Available forms of the stone – Finished tile, cutter slab, gangsaw slab, countertop, stone article, backsplash, and vanity top
• Stone recommend for – Commercial and residential construction projects

Cloud grey marble dimensions

After extraction from big marble quarries, giant size marble blocks reach marble stone processing units. It is clear that all construction needs are not the same. That is why all construction projects demand a variety of stone sizes. Indian marble quarries produce a variety of stone blocks in custom and standard sizes. Be it a small size tile or a big size slab, white marble suppliers from India match all needs of their targeted audience professionally. Expect the following popular sizes:

• Countertops and vanity tops – Custom sizes
• Cut to size – On-demand
• Cutter slabs – 180 x 60 cm up in 2 & 3 cm
• Gangsaw slabs – 260 x 160 cm up in 2 & 3 cm
• Tiles – 30×30, 30×60, and 60×60 cm

When it comes to buying a big quantity of marble tiles and slabs in bulk, cloud grey marble manufacturers and exporters from India give all B2B buyers an edge. Buyers better know how to get the best out of available options. They can make a big difference by getting quality stone products from a qualified Indian marble supplier.

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